
What is a bitcoin address?

- Definition from WhatIs.com A Bitcoin address is a unique identifier that serves as a virtual location where the cryptocurrency can be sent. People can send the cryptocurrency to Bitcoin addresses similarly to the way fiat currencies can often be sent to email addresses.

What is the minimum and maximum length of a bitcoin address?

With the introduction of Bech32 type addresses in 2017, the minimum and maximum length of a Bitcoin address have changed. According to BIP 173: [Segwit] addresses are always between 14 and 74 characters long. Version 0 witness addresses are always 42 or 62 characters.

How do I know if someone is sending me Bitcoin (BCH)?

Your address will be the long string of numbers and letters directly below the QR code for that address. If the person/company is sending you BCH then select one of your Bitcoin Cash (BCH) wallets. If they are to send you BTC, please make sure you provide them with an address from your Bitcoin (BTC) wallet.

What are the different types of bitcoin addresses?

There are three different types of Bitcoin address: Pay-to-PubKey-Hash (P2PKH, also known as Legacy address), Pay to script hash (P2SH) and Bech32. Not all wallets support all three address formats. P2PKH addresses are the original Bitcoin address format, and are also known as Legacy addresses. They start with the number 1, and are case-sensitive.


